It follows a group of military superhumans consisting of a human leader, a werewolf, a vampire, Frankenstein’s monster, and a gorgon. Gunn then greenlit the project when he became the CEO of DC Studios.
Writer and series creator James Gunn is shown in the opening titles with a laptop typing a script. It’s a copy and paste of Suicide Squad and Guardians of the Galaxy, same type of characters, same crazy jokes.
Obviously its fans think it’s cool but it’s lazy and shows it’s a one trick pony, even the Superman movie isn’t even a solo movie, there are too many characters in it too and I bet it will end the same way. I can’t even imagine him doing a Batman movie because it will be full of inappropriate jokes, all his movies have the same gimmick, a criminal or criminals with a heart of gold, etc.
Ridiculous… Check out the movies and TV shows airing this month.